I think Smithers picked me because of my motivational skills. Everyone always says they have to work a lot harder when I’m around.— Homer
Homer is intrigued by a commercial that talks about a contest that will allow the winner, the finder of a golden ticket, a trip to "Farmer Billy's Bacon Factory." Homer buys a lot of pork products but is only able to find a silver ticket, which allows him to judge the pig competition at the county fair. When Homer sees an injustice being done to Lisa's entry in the place setting competition, he decides to take action. Remembering Chief Wiggum's warning about felony assault, he disguises himself as "Pie Man" and delivers a pie in the face as revenge. He disappears as quickly as he came, making Springfield wonder if they will ever see him again. Continue...
When Bart gets ripped off by Comic Book Guy, "Pie Man" delivers some "key lime justice." The police decide that "Pie Man" needs to be stopped and they shoot him when he makes his next appearance. He takes time out from his fleeing to save Marge and then kisses her, even though she tells him she's a married woman. Later at home, the wounded Homer makes a promise to Lisa (who's figured out his disguise) that he will stop his pie avenging. When Mr. Burns goes too far, "Pie Man" makes another appearance, but his escape from the plant is thwarted by his own laziness. Mr. Burns turns him into his personal hit man. Homer finds himself in a dilemma when Mr. Burns wants him to deliver a pie in the face of Lisa's Buddhist hero the Dalai Lama. When he comes clean in front of a crowd, no one believes that he was capable of being the "Pie Man," only his family believes in him.
The title (and the pies in the plot) is a reference to the nursery rhyme "Simple Simon."
FOX's promos for this episode (and possibly the episode will include this as well) use the opening theme for the 1967-1970 version of Spider-Man.
The idea of the town wondering what the identity of their superhero is, it is the same idea of Batman, which coincidentally, is spoofed with the couch in the opening.
When Homer/Pieman swirls his cape outside the Dalai Lama meeting, and the cape transition/wipes to the next scene, it's the same transition they used when Jack Styles, as the Daring Dragoon, swirled his cape and switched scenes n the series "Jack of All Trades."
There are multiple references to the 2002 film "Spider-Man" including Homer's costume sketches and the upside-down kiss he shares with Marge.
"It's clobberin' time!"
This exclamation is a play on the war cry of The Thing, a member of the Fantastic Four. His catch phrase is "It's clobberin' time!"
Season 20 DVD released, lacks special features
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Simpsons documentary airs tomorrow
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Interactive Simpsons character poster
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Updated cast poster for Season 20 DVD
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This is the best gift of all!
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Season 20 DVD/Blu-Ray out January 12
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Simpson Crazy, now with RSS feed
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Simpsons scavenger hunt on Fox this week
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Simpsons Season 20 to be released on DVD and Blu-Ray!
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New episode: The Great Wife Hope
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Sacha Baron Cohen to guest star
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Bart Gets a 'Z' information
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Blackboard & Couch gags updated
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Simpsons lose animation Emmy, but Dan Castellaneta wins for voicing
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The Simpsons get African makeover in Angola
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Promo Card for "Homer the Whopper"
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Season 12 DVD released
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Homer & Marge to take up curling
29 Jul, 2009 • Simpsons News