Constantly fighting and biting, Itchy & Scratchy are the perfect satire of violent children's
cartoons like Tom & Jerry. Throughout The Simpsons' 20-year history, they have faced protests,
cancellation, bankruptcy and a host of annoying "friends" including Poochie, Disgruntled
Goat and Rich Uncle Skeleton.
Every Itchy and Scratchy episode, including untitled cartoons, is listed here with a description and "storyboards." You can also marvel at the crappy merchandise and other results of selling out in the column on the right.
From: There's No Disgrace Like Home
In classic Tom & Jerry style, Scratchy chases Itchy into his mouse hole,
where Scratchy is blown up.
From: Krusty Gets Busted
Scratchy lies in a hammock. Itchy shoots him in the rear with a flaming arrow.
From: Bart Gets an F
Scratchy chases after Itchy with a rapier.
Itchy traps Scratchy in a guillotine and chops off his head. He then blows up
the severed head with dynamite.
From: Itchy & Scratchy & Marge
Scratchy catches an exploding football kicked by
Itchy. He then gets tackled by several large football players.
Episodes: Itchy & Scratchy & Marge,
Homer's Triple Bypass (during the "Bad Cops" segment)
Itchy and Scratchy hit each other with mallets. Itchy then stabs Scratchy with knives.
From: Itchy & Scratchy & Marge
Itchy blows up Scratchy's head with a bazooka.
Episodes: Itchy & Scratchy & Marge,
So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show
Itchy hits Scratchy in the back of the head, knocking out his
eyeballs. Itchy gives Scratchy two bombs to replace them. Scratchy goes to
comb his hair, then blows up.
From: Itchy & Scratchy & Marge
A squirrel resembling Marge appears, telling Itchy & Scratchy
to stop hitting each other. Itchy knocks the squirrel's head off with a
baseball bat.
From: Itchy & Scratchy & Marge
Itchy blows up Scratchy's grave.
From: Itchy & Scratchy & Marge
Itchy and Scratchy share lemonade. Then they dance
together, and later Scratchy reads Itchy a bedtime story.
From: Itchy & Scratchy & Marge
Itchy & Scratchy bring out bigger and bigger guns, they go off
and Scratchy is sent flying into the sun.
From: Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
Itchy puts Scratchy into a glass, then shakes, blends and serves him as a drink.
From: Stark Raving Dad
Itchy ties a box with a bomb to Scratchy's
tongue. Scratchy swallows, and the box blows off his head.
From: When Flanders Failed
Scratchy eats a meatball that is a bomb. He runs into the
doorframe, knocking off his head. His body then explodes.
From: Bart the Murderer
Itchy shoots several cats with a machine gun.
From: Homer Defined
Scratchy drinks a glass of acid. His body
dissolves and he runs outside where he is run over by a bus.
From: Like Father, Like Clown
Itchy and son run over Scratchy and son on a
tractor. Then they play catch with Scratchy's head.
From: Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk
Itchy ties Scratchy to a post of a house he's building.
He then nails a picture through his head.
From: Radio Bart
Scratchy jumps down a well to save Itchy, but lands
in an alligator's jaws. His angel goes up to a brick in the well that Itchy is
standing on, where he gets shot in the head. Dedicated to Timmy O'Toole.
From: Bart's Friend Falls in Love
Itchy and his bride gets their
heads sliced off at the wedding, by Itchy's hat.
From: Homer the Heretic
Itchy ties Scratchy's tongue to a rocket, which
gets wrapped around the moon. The tongue retracts, pulling the moon onto the
house. Repeated in 2F33.
From: Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie
The very first cartoon from Roger Meyers, featuring just Scratchy. He walks down a street,
stops at a crossing and whistles.
From: Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie
Itchy shoots Scratchy's kneecaps and kicks him into the furnace.
From: Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie
In a World War II short, Itchy & Scratchy team up to fight Hitler.
From: Lisa's First Word
Itchy nails Scratchy's tail down before a race. Scratchy takes off without his skin and wins.
From: Brother from the Same Planet
Itchy catches Scratchy's tongue to the ball return in a bowling alley. He then bowls a bomb,
which comes into Scratchy's mouth, blowing him up.
From: I Love Lisa
Itchy gives Scratchy his own heart as a valentine. Scratchy learns later he needs a heart
to live, and dies before he can reach it.
From: The Front
Itchy hits Scratchy with a mallet, then they both
tell the viewers not to take drugs.
From: The Front
Itchy puts BBQ sauce and flesh-eating
ants on Scratchy's head. Then he lifts Scratchy's head through the ceiling,
where Elvis shoots him.
From: The Front
Itchy nails Scratchy to an escalator. After his
skin comes off Itchy sells it. Scratchy takes it back and leaves the mall,
when he is beaten by animal rights activists for wearing fur.
From: Whacking Day
With Guest Director Oliver Stone. Black and white cartoon in which
Scratchy is shot by Itchy a la Lee Harvey Oswald.
From: Marge in Chains
Itchy ties a brick to Scratchy's throat, then
throws it out the window. Scratchy jumps after it, and lands on a cactus.
From: Cape Feare
Itchy tricks Scratchy into getting spayed. The laser
slices Scratchy to pieces.
From: Homer Goes to College
Scratchy puts an unusually large of explosives
around Itchy. Just as they are about to blow up, the Simpsons' television gets
unplugged. The cartoon is over when it comes back on.
From: Boy-Scoutz N the Hood
Itchy makes Scratchy into a tent, which is struck by lightning.
From: Deep Space Homer
Itchy pops out of Scratchy's stomach and shoves him out the airlock. He chops Scratchy in half
with Saturn's rings, then pops his head after removing his helmet. A warning appears afterwards.
From: Burns' Heir
Scratchy get chopped into dollar bills at the US
Mint. He is then burned by dogs in suits.
From: Bart of Darkness
Scratchy goes on a planet of Itchy's with
telekinetic powers. The lead him to an arena, where he is sliced by sharp
From: Itchy & Scratchy Land
Scratchy has been working out. Itchy repeatedly stabs scratchy with a needle, causing
Scratchy to bleed heavily. Itchy then chops off his muscles with a chainsaw.
From: A Star Is Burns
Scratchy is getting married. Itchy replaces the woman with a bride made of dynamite. They
have children made of dynamite, too. When they are old, she explodes, killing Scratchy.
Itchy runs out and has a heart attack. This won best animated short in the Springfield Film
From: Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily
Itchy is at Scratchy's door, posing as a
baby. He then breaks his bottle in half and stabs scratchy, right before he
steals the TV and runs off.
From: Bart Sells His Soul
Itchy drops stuff off the Space Needle, all miss
Scratchy below. Itchy then cuts the space Needle in half, and it lands in
Scratchy's eye.
From: Lisa the Vegetarian
Itchy serves Scratchy's stomach to him as food. Scratchy eats the same piece over and over
again. Itchy gives him the $100 bill, and Scrachy's head explodes.
From: The Day the Violence Died
Scratchy's ghost comes before Itchy, who freezes him, and uses his eyeballs as ice cubes.
From: The Day the Violence Died
Scratchy tries to put the moves on an ostrich, but Itchy sets him on fire and steals his 'bird'.
From: The Day the Violence Died
Itchy walks through Manhattan, "defending" himself from an Irishman and Roosevelt.
From: The Day the Violence Died
Itchy prays to God and He stamps on Scratchy and throws him into an acid lake. Dedicated to
Lester & Eliza.
From: Bart After Dark
Itchy approaches Scratchy with a broken bottle on a talk show. Cartoon is interrupted by
special report.
From: Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious
With special guest director Quentin Tarantino. Itchy dances around Scratchy, soaks him in
gasoline, then cuts off his ear. Tarantino himself appears to explain the cartoon (Violence
is everywhere, man, it's even in breakfast cereals
). Itchy cuts off his head.
From: The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show
Itchy makes Scratchy bungee jump into a
volcano using his intestine. Scratchy dangles just above the lava, until he is
consumed by flames after Itchy pours gasoline through the other end of his
From: The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show
Itchy & Scratchy play pool. Itchy chips the cue ball at
Scratchy and knocks his eyes out. He replaces them with pool balls.
From: The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show
Itchy and Scratchy go towards a fireworks factory. Poochie shows up and does lots of crazy
antics... then drives off with their car.
From: The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show
Scratchy is part of an ice sculpture. Itchy starts sawing him with
a chainsaw, when Poochie shows up with something to say. His mouth doesn't
move while Roger Meyer's voice says his planet needs him. The animation cell
is lifted off the animation. A handwritten note says Poochie died on the way
From: The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show
A spoof on William Tell, Itchy shoots an arrow at an apple on
Scratchy's head. It hits the apple, but cracks a container full of acid,
dissolving Scratchy.
From: In Marge We Trust
Itchy visits Scratchy in the Ear Trauma ward of a
hospital. Itchy attaches a stethoscope to Scratchy's ears takes the other end
to a bomb site where an atomic bomb explodes. The sound travels down the
stethoscope and explodes Scratchy's head.
From: Girly Edition
At a glass factory, Itchy throws Scratchy into
the furnace, then turns him into a glass work of art.
From: Treehouse of Horror IX
Scratchy answers the door on Halloween. It is
Itchy. Itchy slices Scratchy's head off, then puts a candle in it like a
pumpkin. Bart and Lisa are sucked into the cartoon (note this is a THOH
episode) and are chased by Itchy & Scratchy until Homer gets them out.
From: Little Big Mom
Itchy kills Scratchy, but feels lonely without
him, and so builds a machine to clone several Scratchy's to kill. However,
Itchy soon gets tired and builds a killing machine.
From: The Bart Wants What it Wants
An episode watched by Bart & Greta on DVD. Itchy & Scratchy are trapeze artists,
but Itchy slices Scratchy's hands off and he falls to his death. The cat & mouse have
their own commentary, in which Itchy cuts off Scratchy's head.
From: Blame it On Lisa
Itchy and Scratchy play golf. Itchy decapitates
Scratchy's head with his golf club, and his head reaches the moon.
From: Little Girl in the Big Ten
Itchy is out of butter, and so feeds Scratchy to his
cow to create his own "I Can't Believe It's Not Scratchy." This
episode has a production code of DABF06.
C.E. D'oh!
Itchy ties Scratchy's tail to a post and speeds
past him. Scratchy (on a motorcycle) chases him, his skin comes off, and Itchy
puts him on a plane with Richie Valens, Buddy Holly and the Big Bopper... and
the plane crashes.
From: Today, I Am a Clown
A Jewish baby Itchy is about to be circumcised
by Scratchy. However Itchy jumps onto Scratchy's head, causing him to slice
himself to pieces. Itchy blows Scratchy into the shape of a glass and stamps
on it.
From: Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore
Scratchy visits a Chinese restaurant, only to find himself on the menu.
From: The Wandering Juvie
This was edited for prison viewing. An
army of Itchy-style mice take on an army of Scratchy-style cats, as they run
towards each other on the battlefield, they pull out bigger and better
weapons. As they collide, the episode cuts to the mice celebrating victory.
From: Fraudcast News
Written & directed by C. Montgomery Burns.
Scratchy is protesting outside the nuclear power plant. Itchy picks him
up with a fork-lift truck and shows him why nuclear power is great, and why
wind power is even less safe.
From: The Heartbroke Kid
Scratchy visits the cardiologist, who is Itchy. Itchy gives him a stress test and
intentionally adds to his stress, to the point that Scratchy has a heart attack. Itchy
takes out Scratchy's heart, replaces it with dynamite and puts it back in. When
Scratchy's family are mourning his death, the grave blows up and kills everyone.