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Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore

Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore

Rating: 4 (110 votes)


During a school fieldtrip to the Museum of Television and TV, Milhouse confesses to Bart that he doesn't care what others think about him and the way he acts. Bart only later finds out that Milhouse with his mother are moving to Capitol City where he gets a new persona, complete with blonde hair and a set of cool new friends. Meanwhile, Mr. Burns sends Homer, Carl and Lenny off from work due to plant visitors. Upon leaving, passers-by give him money, thinking he is a bum. Homer soon turns to dancing to get money, which he uses for Marge's anniversary gift. Unfortunately Homer does so well at panhandling that he takes "business" away from the other panhandlers. Marge finds out what he is doing and makes him stop. Bart fills the vacancy for his best friend "in-house" when he and Lisa start hanging out more and both realize that they have become best friends. Milhouse DOES return though when his father gets a court order for him because the judge felt we was way to pitiful and deserved his son back. Lisa feels left out when Milhouse returns but Bart re-ensures her of their friendship with a game of Capitol City Monopoly.

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