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The Simpsons — Season Five

Homer's Barbershop Quartet

Homer's Barbershop Quartet »

P-code 9F21 • Index 5×01 • Aired Sep 30, 1993

Homer tells the kids the story of the rise and fall of his barbershop quartet with Apu, Principal Skinner and Barney, called 'The Be Sharps'.

Cape Feare

Cape Feare »

P-code 9F22 • Index 5×02 • Aired Oct 07, 1993

Sideshow Bob is paroled from prison, and he has only one thing in mind for Bart: revenge.

Homer Goes to College

Homer Goes to College »

P-code 1F02 • Index 5×03 • Aired Oct 14, 1993

Homer must attend college to become properly qualified, but gets his nerdy friends expelled when he plays a practical joke on the Dean.


Rosebud »

P-code 1F01 • Index 5×04 • Aired Oct 21, 1993

Mr. Burns longs for his teddy bear Bobo, however, it turns up at the Simpsons' household and Maggie does not want to let it go.

Treehouse of Horror IV

Treehouse of Horror IV »

P-code 1F04 • Index 5×05 • Aired Oct 30, 1993

In a Night Gallery parody, Bart presents three more tales of terror: The Devil and Homer Simpson: Homer sells his soul to the devil for a donut. Terror at 5½ Feet: Bart witnesses a gremlin taking the school bus apart, but no one believes him. Bart Simpson's Dracula: Mr. Burns is a vampire, and he turns Bart into a vampire.

Marge on the Lam

Marge on the Lam »

P-code 1F03 • Index 5×06 • Aired Nov 04, 1993

Marge goes to the ballet with Ruth Powers, the next door neighbor. However, when they go out again the next night, Ruth is driving a stolen car.

Bart's Inner Child

Bart's Inner Child »

P-code 1F05 • Index 5×07 • Aired Nov 11, 1993

Brad Goodman, a feel-good therapist comes to town, and tells the whole town to act like Bart and do as they feel.

Boy-Scoutz N the Hood

Boy-Scoutz N the Hood »

P-code 1F06 • Index 5×08 • Aired Nov 18, 1993

After a wild night high on sugar, Bart wakes up to find that he joined a boy scout troop.

The Last Temptation of Homer

The Last Temptation of Homer »

P-code 1F07 • Index 5×09 • Aired Dec 09, 1993

Homer falls in love with a new female employee at the nuclear plant who is slobbish just like him.

$pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)

$pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling) »

P-code 1F08 • Index 5×10 • Aired Dec 16, 1993

When gambling becomes legalized in Springfield, Marge gets addicted.

Homer the Vigilante

Homer the Vigilante »

P-code 1F09 • Index 5×11 • Aired Jan 06, 1994

When a cat burglar hits Springfield, Homer forms a vigilante group who end up causing more crimes than they prevent.

Bart Gets Famous

Bart Gets Famous »

P-code 1F11 • Index 5×12 • Aired Feb 03, 1994

Bart becomes an overnight star after sneaking onto the Krusty The Clown show and uttering: ''I didn't do it'' when he wrecks a set on live TV.

Homer and Apu

Homer and Apu »

P-code 1F10 • Index 5×13 • Aired Feb 10, 1994

After getting food poisoning from eating Kwik-E-Mart food, Homer gets Apu fired, and Apu comes to stay with the Simpsons.

Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy

Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy »

P-code 1F12 • Index 5×14 • Aired Feb 17, 1994

After objecting to the sexist phrases used on the latest talking Malibu Stacey doll, Lisa creates a new doll for the 90s.

Deep Space Homer

Deep Space Homer »

P-code 1F13 • Index 5×15 • Aired Feb 24, 1994

NASA decides to send the 'average man' into space after seeing their ratings decline, and Homer is picked to be that man.

Homer Loves Flanders

Homer Loves Flanders »

P-code 1F14 • Index 5×16 • Aired Mar 17, 1994

After Ned Flanders invites Homer to a football game, Homer becomes Ned's best friend. Ned, however, doesn't like the attention.

Bart Gets an Elephant

Bart Gets an Elephant »

P-code 1F15 • Index 5×17 • Aired Mar 31, 1994

Bart wins a radio contest on KBBL, but instead of taking the $10,000 cash prize, he opts for the gag prize - a fully-grown elephant.

Burns' Heir

Burns' Heir »

P-code 1F16 • Index 5×18 • Aired Mar 14, 1994

After nearly drowning in the bathtub, Mr. Burns decides to find an heir. He chooses Bart, and turns him against his family.

Sweet Seymour Skinner's Baadassss Song

Sweet Seymour Skinner's Baadassss Song »

P-code 1F18 • Index 5×19 • Aired Apr 27, 1994

After Bart's dog causes a riot at the school, Skinner is fired, and Ned Flanders takes over as principal.

The Boy Who Knew Too Much

The Boy Who Knew Too Much »

P-code 1F19 • Index 5×20 • Aired May 05, 1994

Bart skips class and witnesses a waiter brutally beaten. The Mayor's nephew, Freddie Quimby, is the prime suspect and only Bart can clear his name.

Lady Bouvier's Lover

Lady Bouvier's Lover »

P-code 1F21 • Index 5×21 • Aired May 12, 1994

Grampa Simpson falls in love with Marge's mother, but Mr. Burns woos her away from him.

Secrets of a Successful Marriage

Secrets of a Successful Marriage »

P-code 1F20 • Index 5×22 • Aired May 19, 1994

Homer gets a job to teaching an adult education course about how to build a successful marriage, but can't help spilling personal secrets.

Season 5

This is undoubtedly my favourite Season ever. Simpsons-mania was still prominent and showed no signs of stopping. Season Five (1993-1994) carried on the trend of Season Four with witty, multi-layered jokes, but also introduced more character-based episodes.

We hear the story of how Homer, Barney, Apu and Principal Skinner became Bigger Than Jesus for five-and-a-half weeks singing barbershop; Apu living with the Simpsons after losing his job; Sideshow Bob make a welcome return in a parody of Cape Fear cleverly titled... "Cape Feare"; and no less than three major appearances of Mr. Burns.

This year starts Homer's "dumbening" - you can really tell the writers consciously made him stupider - but it works quite well here. This Season also marks the show's 100th episode, "Sweet Seymour Skinner's Baadasssss Song", featuring the blackboard gag, "I Will Not Celebrate Meaningless Milestones".

Groening's DVD intro

This - the Fifth Season Jumbo Special Edition Boxed Set of The Simpsons on Digital Versatile Disc (or "DVD") - may be the finest one yet. We've loaded this thing with all the time-wasting extras that fans demand, like interactive, multi-angle views of our crude animatics and storyboards; fully animated, never-before-seen, deleted-for-good-reason sequences; illustrated commentaries by directors that allow them to visually point out all sorts of sneaky details; and a number of downright shameless TV commercials. We also continue our proud Simpsons tradition of providing garrulous audio commentaries for each and every episode, including brief moments when we actually pay attention to what's happening on screen.

Season 5 (1993-94) contains many of our snappiest or most disturbing sequences. You'll get to see Grampa and Mr. Burns wooing Marge's mom, Homer eating potato chips in outer space, Lisa inventing the Lisa Lionheart doll, Bart getting an elephant, Marge going on the lam, and Maggie beginning her lifelong feud with the One-Eyebrowed Baby.

You also get Sideshow Bob explaining that his "Die, Bart, Die" tattoo is actually just German for "The, Bart, The." And The Romanes playing at Mr. Burns's birthday party. And a field trip to a cardboard-box factory. And Homer happily pulling a pig's tail until the pig viciously bites him. And the historic first appearance of Cletus, the Slack-Jawed Yokel.

And of course we've larded the whole season with healthy dollops of Bumblebee Man, Apu, Milhouse, Dr. Hibbert, Mrs. Krabappel, Principal Skinner, Kent Brockman, Rod and Todd Flanders, Itchy & Scratchy, Comic Book Guy, Moe, and Ralph Wiggum. Our guest stars include James Brown, George Harrison, Albert Brooks, David Crosby, Kathleen Turner, Kelsey Grammer, Werner Klemperer, Pamela Reed, Gerry Cooney, Sam Neill, Ernest Borgnine, Robert Goulet, James Taylor, James Woods, Michelle Pfeiffer, Buzz Aldrin, and former Simpsons writer/producer Conan O'Brien.

So sit back and enjoy this high-velocity season of classic Simpsons shows. On behalf of the hard-working writers, animators, musicians, producers, and actors, we thank you for your enthusiastic letters, drawings, and gifts, and remind you of our standard policy: No Refunds.

Your pal,
Matt Groening