The Simpsons has coined many words and phrases on the show, some of which have entered
mainstream society as acceptable words, or exclamations to be used in a humourous situation.
This page lists all the terms we have found that are used as real words in one or more
episodes. N.B. Words that characters on the show purposely make up (e.g. 'tomacco') are not
Key to speech parts:
n. disabling medical condition whereby the pelvis is split into two or more pieces.
Episode: King Size Homer
n. the state or condition of being an adult.
Furthermore to this beer, I would also like three of your finest, cheapest cigars. Here's my ID which confirms my adultivity.
Episode: Much Apu About Nothing
int. popular telephone greeting, often used by seniors.
Episode: Marge on the Lam, among others
n. the process of editing a photo to make a person's cheeks more rounded and colorful.
Episode: Fraudcast News
n. the act of sitting on one's butt for long periods of time.
I recommend a slow steady gorging process combined with assal horizontology.
Episode: King Size Homer
n. the act of not paying one's taxes.
Episode: Bart the Fink
adj. (of French origin) underhanded, devious.
Episode: Bart of Darkness
n. B.Y.O.B.B. BarBeQue, where the sub-acronym B.Y.O.B.B. should be short for 'Bring Your Own Beef' but is often misspelled.
Episode: Lisa the Vegetarian
v. to start something.
Let the commencement beginulate!
Episode: Treehouse of Horror XV
n. hot drink, often consumed with creamium.
Can I offer you a cup of coffee-flavored beverine?
Episode: The Principal and the Pauper
n. unclassified transformed matter.
I oughta replace it right now with that Chinese cartoon with the robots that turn into...blingwads!
Episode: The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show
adj. most inferior.
It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times.
Episode: Last Exit to Springfield
int. uncommon synonym for d'oh.
Homer Simpson doesn't sayB'oh, he says...D'oh!
Episode: Burns' Heir
n. element of the Oscar Mayer periodic table, with atomic weight 'delicious' or 'snacktackular'.
Episode: Lisa Gets an "A"
n. a terrible condition where the skeleton tries to leap out of the mouth and escape the body.
Episode: 22 Short Films About Springfield
int. expression of indifference or disinterest. see also: meh.
Episode: Lisa's Pony, Cape Feare, among many others
n. unknown inanimate object, taken from a famous poem:
Look at them all, through the darkness I'm bringing
They're not sad at all, they're actually singing!
They sing without juicers
They sing without blenders
They sing without flungers, capdabblers and smendlers!
Episode: Last Exit to Springfield
n. a building or indoor space in which to park or keep a motor vehicle; a garage.
A counterfeit jeans ring operating out of my car hole!
Episode: The Springfield Connection
n. (slang) a derogatory nickname for the French.
Bonjourrrrrrrrr, you Cheese-eating Surrender Monkeys!
Episode: The PTA Disbands
adj. of or relating to the chest.
I'm all tense through the chestal area!
Episode: Bart's Girlfriend
n. the quality of being chewy or chewable.
Police brutality! ...And chewtality!
Episode: Brawl in the Family
n. one of the three neglected food groups, along with the whipped group and the congealed group.
Episode: King Size Homer
n. a pole used by clowns for poking, or as a metaphor to imply avoidance.
You will now go back to your home towns and do kids' parties, swap meets, and all the other piddling crap I wouldn't touch with a ten foot clown pole.
Episode: Homie the Clown
n. the beginning of.
Let the commencement beginulate!
Episode: Treehouse of Horror XV
n. an underground pipe used to store dead bodies; see also: innocence tube.
Episode: The Blunder Years
adj. (of cranberry juice) delicious.
Episode: Homer and Apu
adj. extremely bad.
Episode: Miracle on Evergreen Terrace
n. a cream substitute, often served with beverine.
Episode: The Principal and the Pauper
n. (of Chinese origin) simultaneously synonymous to 'crisis' and 'opportunity'.
Episode: Fear of Flying
adj. fine, acceptable.
It's a perfectly cromulent word.
Episode: Lisa the Iconoclast
n. a device for shrinking humans to microscopic size.
It worked! The debigulator worked!
Episode: Treehouse of Horror VII
n. a lever for reducing the speed of travel in a vehicle.
Episode: Homer the Smithers
n. the two sweetest words in the English language.
Episode: Deep Space Homer
n. a hand-operated machine specifically for draining lochs.
Episode: Monty Can't Buy Me Love
n. a cardinal number, two times ten; in use during 1922 when the Kaiser stole the word 'twenty'.
I chased that rascal to get it back, but gave up after dickety-six miles...
Episode: Raging Abe Simpson and his Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish"
int. a nonsensical muttering, often used in between syllables, or as a complete replacement for a word.
What can I diddly-do you for?
Episode: no specific episode; most prominent is Hurricane Neddy
adj. so boring that one must resort to dangling socks above a dog.
Yeah, it's a lazy dog-dangling afternoon.
Episode: El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer (The Mysterious Voyage of Homer)
int. expression of frustration at the realization that things have turned out badly or not as planned, or that one has just said or done something foolish.
Episode: no specific episode; see Homer Says D'oh! page
n. a nerdy or idiotic person. Originates from Latin.
You are, as we say in Latin, a dorkus malorkus.
Episode: Bart on the Road
n. a very intelligent person.
Episode: 'Tis the Fifteenth Season
n. the process of becoming drunk.
Get in here, boozy! You're late for your drunkening!
Episode: Brake My Wife, Please
n. the process of becoming less intelligent.
Wait, that's not how you spell dumbening!
Episode: Lisa the Simpson
v. to empower or embolden.
He's embiggened that role with his cromulent performance.
Episode: Lisa the Iconoclast
v. make oneself look fabulous.
Can't a girl fabulize herself before the big dance?
Episode: Lard of the Dance
n. a fax machine used by seniors.
Episode: Raging Abe Simpson and his Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish"
n. a feline creature that will solve all one's money problems.
Episode: Homer vs. Dignity
n. a tasty variety of apple pie, found on kitchen floors.
Episode: Boy-Scoutz N the Hood
see: capdabbler
n. vegetation, undergrowth, in the vicinity of a cider mill.
Episode: Burns, Baby Burns
adj. the most fooling; more fooling than anything else.
You couldn't fool your mother on the foolingest day of your life if you had an electrified fooling machine!
Episode: So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show
n. a three-dimensional object with six faces, discovered by Professor John Frink.
Episode: Treehouse of Horror VI
adj. something deemed good, but that relates to Hitler.
Episode: Bart Carny
n. a mythical gambling monster that causes addiction to casino betting.
Episode: $pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)
int. a nonsensical expression, often used as a replacement for curse words, but sometimes randomly.
Good glaven, it's on my shoe!
Episode: no specific episode
adv. in a high degree; extremely.
We make a good team. A groin-grabbingly good team!
n. a bag of ice that contains the head of a stuffed toy.
A headbag! Those are choc-full of... heady goodness!
Episode: Rosebud
n. a machine used for finding mythical creatures such as the Loch Ness Monster.
Episode: Monty Can't Buy Me Love
n. American bonehead; see also: pull a Homer.
Episode: Homer Defined
n. (of Greek origin) a rare blood disease.
Episode: Blood Feud
n. an underground pipe that is not used to store dead bodies...honest!
Did I say corpse hatch? I meant innocence tube!
Episode: The Blunder Years
n. Japanese animation that often causes seizures.
Episode: HOMЯ
n. a medical condition resulting from over-excitement about Jebediah Springfield.
Episode: Lisa the Iconoclast
n. the lord and saviour of the Chribtianity religion.
Save me Jebus!
Episode: Missionary: Impossible
n. an annoying or idiotic person.
Out of my way, jerkass!
Episode: The Joy of Sect
n. a generic insult; it should only be used with proper protection.
Hey, jerkface! You have the face of a jerk
Episode: Two Dozen and One Greyhounds
n. disabling medical condition, to which a clown or jester is most prone, where airborne colored balls cause severe depression.
Episode: King Size Homer
n. an electrical device used to display video broadcasts (sometimes referred to as a television).
Episode: Fraudcast News
see: zazz
n. a kebab-like foreign delicacy.
Episode: The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson
n. a two-player game in which the first player names and pulls out an item of cutlery, and the second player must correct them if they are wrong.
I see you've played knifey-spooney before.
Episode: Bart vs. Australia
n. a condition in which the user believes to know everything.
Episode: Skinner's Sense of Snow
n. a big, dumb, balding North American ape with no chin and a short temper.
Episode: Bart the Genius
n. low-budget milk substitute, containing vitamin R.
Episode: The PTA Disbands
n. the state or condition of being illegally parked.
If you do not remedy this malparkage within 72 hours, your car will be thrown into the East River at your expense.
Episode: The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson
n. money, wealth.
Episode: Girly Edition
n. the murder of a giant.
Episode: Simpsons Bible Stories
int. expression of apathy or indifference.
Episode: Homer's Triple Bypass, Hungry, Hungry Homer, among others
n. a branch of scientific study concerning the tiny.
Episode: The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace
n. an instrument used to search for monsters or mythical creatures.
Episode: Monty Can't Buy Me Love
n. the act or process of being stupid.
Episode: Raging Abe Simpson and his Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish"
n. an electrical device used to display video broadcasts (sometimes referred to as a television).
Episode: Fraudcast News
n. a chemical unwittingly secreted by nerds, which causes bullies to pick on them.
Episode: Bye Bye Nerdie
n. the correct plural of pony; 'ponies' is uncorrect.
I assume these are hypothetical dogs and poni?
Episode: The Heartbroke Kid
n. scienticians who specialize in the field of human posture.
Episode: The Boy Who Knew Too Much
n. The Western Branch of American Reform Presbylutheranism, a branch of the Protestant Christian church.
Episode: The Father, the Son and the Holy Guest Star
n. the act of pointing out the high price of consumer goods.
Episode: Blood Feud
v. to succeed despite idiocy.
Episode: Homer Defined
n. (slang) a vulgar insult.
Episode: The PTA Disbands
n. the principal religion of creatures from the planet Rigel IV.
Episode: Treehouse of Horror IX
n. narcotic substance that causes anger in people.
Episode: I Am Furious (Yellow)
n. device for enlarging humans shrunk with a debigulator back to their original size.
Episode: Treehouse of Horror VII
v. the process of reverting ones persona to it's original state of geekiness.
Episode: The Blunder Years
n. the act of something untoward happening to an employee close to retirement.
That hat's been with the station for twenty years! He had one day left 'til retirement.
Episode: Homer vs. Dignity
n. a flavourless mush, often associated with a life of chastity and abstinence.
Episode: Lemon of Troy
adj. (of foodstuff) tasty, but with religious connections.
Episode: Homer Loves Flanders
v. the process of becoming more safe.
Episode: Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk
n. (slang) a derogatory nickname for the Japanese.
Episode: Last Exit to Springfield
n. a special implement for opening cages and other equally scientific tasks.
Episode: Bye Bye Nerdie
n. a scientific physician, specialising in the food chain.
Episode: Lisa the Vegetarian
n. Scottish festival that takes place in October, though many people refuse to recognize it as real.
Episode: Bart's Girlfriend
n. a small but loud caterpillar-like creature.
Episode: The Frying Game
n. a meter measuring one's own self-confidence and worth.
Episode: Bart's Inner Child
n. a special power possessed by only a handful of people that allows them to communicate with the mind.
Episode: Treehouse of Horror V
n. the surgical removal of a female sibling.
Episode: My Sister, My Sitter
n. a medical condition where the skin becomes very wrinkly and loose, and drops off the body; it is very common in seniors.
Calm down! You're going to give yourself skin failure!
Episode: 22 Short Films About Springfield
n. a type of beer that has candy floating in it; available at The 33c Store.
Episode: Bart Star,
Episode: Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo
n. a combination apron-smock.
Episode: Pokey Mom
n. The thirteenth month of the year, typified by lousy weather.
Episode: Treehouse of Horror VI
see: capdabbler
n. not a combination apron-smock.
Episode: Pokey Mom
n. the act of smacking a child, either with the hands or a blunt instrument.
Episode: Two Dozen and One Greyhounds
n. special holes bored into the bonnet of a car that provide superior aerodynamics and speed.
Episode: Homie the Clown
v. the past tense (specifically, perfect tense) of 'squeeze'.
We've squozen our whole supply. To the lemon tree!
Episode: Lemon of Troy
adj. very keen to resort to stabbing.
I don't get mad. I get stabby.
Episode: Grift of the Magi
n. soiled or otherwise smelly underwear.
Episode: Trash of the Titans
n. the act of being successful, particularly in business.
Episode: C. E. D'oh!
adj. one of three methods of communication (along with liminal and subliminal) that is akin to direct persuasion.
Episode: New Kids on the Blecch
n. archaeic synonym for a suitcase.
Episode: Jaws Wired Shut
int. exclamation of grief or annoyance.
Episode: The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson
v. warp the fragile little mind of a child through MTVs and diet sodas.
Episode: Homer's Phobia
n. a cursed trampoline on which everyone who uses it gets injured.
Episode: Bart's Inner Child
see: tramampoline
n. a medical procedure - a well-known cure for bonis eruptus - in which the patient is subject to repeated electric shocks in the mouth.
Episode: 22 Short Films About Springfield
adj. unable to be blown up.
Episode: She of Little Faith
adj. (of problems) unable to be accepted or confronted.
Episode: Trash of the Titans
n. a lever used to increase the speed of a car.
I'm sure the manual will indicate which lever is the velocitator and which the decelratrix.
Episode: Homer the Smithers
n. a game bird, a popular dish on Thanksgiving in the olden days, when people would also watch football, which in those days was called baseball.
Episode: Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy
int. exclamation of satisfaction or happiness.
Episode: no specific episode
n. ancient Olmec god, often idolized in the form of giant carved head statues.
Episode: Blood Feud
int. exclamation used upon snatching an object from another person.
Episode: no specific episode
n. charm, charisma.
What is zazz? Zing! Zork! Kapowza! Call it what you want, in any language it spells mazuma in the bank!
Episode: Girly Edition
see: zazz