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The Fat and the Furriest

The Fat and the Furriest

Rating: 3.7 (100 votes)


It is Mother's Day and Homer goes with the kids to Sprawl-Mart to buy Marge a better gift. They find Abe working there as a greeter and Lisa asks her aunts to help them pick out a gift. Patty and Selma recommend the Kitchen Carnival, which makes food fun. Marge likes the gift, which can deep fry, make cotton candy and caramelize anything. Later that night, Homer creates an xx lb. sugar ball and he seems to fall in love with his new creation. Marge insists that he get rid off of the ball, which he takes to the dump. At the dump, however, Homer gets attacked by a bear. He returns home and finds that his attack was covered by the media. He's been labeled a coward and it begins to affect his life. Too combat his fear he needs to attack the bear that bested him, and he constructs a bear attack proof suit. Marge forbids him from using the suit, but he goes anyway. With help from Lenny, Carl, and Bart, Homer goes out into the woods in search of the bear. Of course when he actually encounters the bear, he is without the suit. The bear takes Homer to his cave and Homer removes the tag from the bear that was causing it discomfort. He bonds with the bear and tries to keep it from being hunted. He lends the bear his bear proof suit and it helps to get him to the wildlife sanctuary, where the bear is free to be attacked by other animals.

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