RSS Feed I think Smithers picked me because of my motivational skills. Everyone always says they have to work a lot harder when I’m around.Homer

New Episode: 1/4/04 Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens, and Gays

Simpsons News — Posted 06 Jan, 2004 by MrBurns

Simon Cowell voices as a nursery school admissions officer in "Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens, and Gays". Bart is trying to watch "The Gator Baiter," when Lisa turns the channel to "Dollhouse Do-Overs." In their ensuing scuffle for the remote, the channel is changed to "Roofi," an entertainer that appeals to very small children. To get the TV back Bart suggests that Marge buy Maggie a "Roofi" CD, which Lisa tries to warn him against. The warning doesn't work; Marge fills the house and family car with the sounds of "Roofi," which drives Homer, Bart and Lisa crazy. Marge takes Maggie to an outdoor "Roofi" concert being held at Cletus's farm. The concert turns into a disaster and the babies begin to riot. After paying $1 million in additional taxes to help pay for the damage the babies caused, the single (and other childless) adults of Springfield join SSCCATAGAPP (Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples And Teens And Gays Against Parasitic Parents) and begin to revolt against children. Continue >>

"Children are the future, today belongs to me." Marge takes up the cause on behalf of the children and works to get voter sponsored initiative proposition on the ballot. Marge forms PPASSCCATAG (Proud Parents Against Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples And Teens And Gays). The tobacco lobby tries to endorse Marge's cause, but she won't take their money; however, Mr. Burns signs her petition and others soon follow. Her "Families Come First" proposition #242 gets on the ballot. Homer's attempts to help Marge's initiative, but his kind of help might only hurt it. Bart and Lisa (well Lisa anyway) come up with a plan to get Marge's prop 242 passed. It seems the members of SSCCATAGAPP have no immunity against children.

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