Brace yourselves, gentlemen. According to the gas chromatograph, the secret ingredient is... love?! Who’s been screwing with this thing?!— Frink
The Hong Kong based vinyl-toy company, Toy2R, has announced the soon to be released Bart Simpson Qee figure. This is the first in the Simpsons line of Qee which Toy2R has become famous for in the vinyl toy world. These figures come in 8 inches and 2.5 inches. This figure, with possibly other family members, will be released around the time of the movie in June/July. Remember that you'll be able to get this figure as well as other great vinyl toys from our store.
That's right, recently McFarlane toys unveiled their set of Simpsons figurines and sets from The Simpsons Movie.
I've uploaded a tonne of screenshots from the new movie trailer. There are some great shots in there, such as Homer in an MC Escher-type building, Burns' mansion located on a hill, and the great Gabbo!
View screenshots here
Wow, this is just awesome. Fox have released what appears to be a full length trailer for The Simpsons Movie, coming to cinemas July 27, 2007.
It seems like only yesterday that we were celebrating the 300th episode of the Simpsons and already the 400th episode is just around the corner. The Museum of TV and Radio have also once again invited the Simpsons staff and creators to their LA location for the annual William S. Paley festival. Shows in the festival also include The Office, American Idol, Ugly Betty, Prison Break, Nip/Tuck and more! On March 15th (the last day of the festival) the Simpsons will be highlighted. Tickets for the event go on sale February 4th to the public. This is an event not to miss! Get more info here.
Anyone who thinks Hollywood is run by a liberal cabal won't change his mind after watching The Simpsons' annual Halloween special. The episode, which airs Nov. 5, concludes with an Iraq war satire that may rank as the most pointed political statement the show has ever made. In the segment, aliens invade Springfield to prevent mankind from obtaining "weapons of mass disintegration," but their mission, called "Operation Enduring Occupation," turns into a quagmire. "You said we would be greeted as liberators!" accuses one alien.
Well that didn't take long! Cover art for the Season 9 DVD boxes has been released:
The list of extras for the Ninth season DVD of The Simpsons has been released. As usual, there is commentary for every episode (in fact, there are two commentaries for The City of New York Vs. Homer Simpson).
Most note-worthy are guest star Jay Leno commentating on The Last Temptation of Krust and infamous recluse John Swartzwelder on The Cartridge Family. John had previously refused to do DVD commentries, and according to Matt Groening on a Season 8 commentary, refused to be recorded saying that he didn't want to do the commentary.
Other extras include deleted scenes for many episodes with optional commentary; illustrated commentaries and animation showcases; promotional spots; sketch gallery; and a Simpsons Movie Sneak-Peek - this is most likely the same footage from the X-Men 3 DVD (see previous news item).
As we reported last week, the DVD set will be released on December 19.
I've set up a guide for this DVD to match the others we have on Simpson Crazy. I'm currently working on finishing the Season 8 guide too.
View all details for Season 9 DVD.