Look at them! They’ve jumped on te one franchise I might possibly have considered thinking about becoming interested in.— Marge
Homer: Computer, kill Flanders!
Flanders: Did I hear my name? My ears are burning.
Homer: (to computer) Good start! Now finish the job!
Flander: Okay, you're busy. Catch ya later, computater!
Homer: Aw, five thousand dollars for a computer, and it can't handle a simple assignment!
Marge: Once you get used to the drugging,this isn't a bad place!
Comic Book Guy: What's this? Stolen funds, pothole money used for swimming pool? There's no emoticon for what I'm feeling!
Agnes: Seymour, are you looking at naked ladies?
Skinner: No, mother!
Agnes: You sissy!
Number 6: They keep us here because we know to much. Number 27 knows how to turn water into gasoline. Number 12 knows the deadly secret behind Tic Tacs, and I invented a bottomless peanut bag.
Homer: Don't worry, head. The computer will do our thinking now.
Nelson: Hey Mr. X, I got a tip for you. In science class they're dissecting frozen hobos, and I have bindles to prove it.