RSS Feed Dear God, we paid for all this stuff ourselves, so thanks for nothing.Bart

The Way We Was

The Way We Was

Rating: 3.6 (203 votes)


When the TV goes out, Marge tells the kids how she and Homer met. In high school, Homer smokes and skips class, while Marge campaigns for womens' rights. Both end up in detention, where Homer instantly falls in love with her. To get to know her better, Homer asks Marge to tutor him for French, even though he doesn't take the subject. they stay up till late, having a good time, but when Homer is honest and reveals his plan, Marge storms out. However, Homer thinks he still has a date for the prom. The next day, Marge is asked to the prom by Artie Ziff, the school nerd. She accepts, but on prom night, both Homer and Artie turn up at Marge's house. Marge goes to the prom with Artie. After the prom however, Artie tries to get romantic with Marge, and she asks to be taken home. On the way, they pass Homer walking home in the mud, and Marge returns to pick him up, realizing that she should have gone to the prom with Homer.

Memorable quotes

Homer: Time for 'Dr. TV' to perform a little surgery. (he bangs TV and the picture gets worse)
Bart: Looks like you lost the patient, Doc.

Dr. Hibbert: Well, Miss Bouvier, I think we've found the reason you've been throwing up in the mornings. Congratulations.
Homer: D'oh!

Homer: Pfft. English? Who needs that, I'm never going to England.

Barney: Boy, you never stop eating and you don't gain a pound.
Homer: It's my metaba-ma-lism. I guess I'm just one of the lucky ones.

Grampa: Oh, son, don't overreach. Go for the dented car the dead-end job, the less attractive girl. I blame myself. I should have had this talk a long time ago.

Guidance Counselor: Do you have any plans for after graduation?
Homer: Me? I'm gonna drink a lot of beer and stay out aaall night!

Homer: Me in a nuclear power plant? Ka-boom!!

Homer: You tutor? And anyone can be tooted?

Marge: (pinching her cheeks) Couldn't we just use rouge for this?
Mrs. Bouvier: Ladies pinch. Whores use rouge.

Artie Ziff: Instead of voting for some athletic hero, or a pretty boy, you have elected me, your intellectual superior, as your king. Good for you!


  • The bucket of chicken wings is labelled "Shakespeare's Fried Chicken".
  • Homer has posters of Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin
  • Mr. Seckofsky (the shop teacher) is missing a finger.
  • The Larry Davis Experience (from 7G01) play at the prom
  • The articles in "Ms. Magazine" are: "Why all men are bad," "Hating and Dating: Do they mix?" and "25 reasons not to shave your armpits"


  • Music in this episode:
    • Close to You by The Carpenters
    • The Joker by The Steve Miller Band
    • Pick Up The Pieces by The Average White Band
    • Can't Get Enough of Your Love by Barry White
    • Goodbye Yellow Brick Road by Elton John
    • Do The Hustle by Van McCoy
    • How Do You Mend A Broken Heart by Al Green
    • The Streak by Ray Stevens
