RSS Feed What do we need a psychiatrist for? We know our kid is nuts.Homer

UK censorship guide: Season 1

The Telltale Head (7G07)

After the mob forgives Bart

Homer's closing line "Most lynch mobs aren't this nice" is absent.

Sky One



Moaning Lisa (7G06)

Bart and Homer play Super Slugfest for the first time

(Brief shot of Bart with his joystick. On screen, Bart's boxer punches Homer's boxer round the ring and blood spurts out of the mouth of Homer's character. Brief shot of Homer waggling his joystick. Bart's boxer punches Homer's boxer with lefts and rights repeatedly, drawing more blood. Shot of the Simpson's front room with Marge and Lisa standing in the doorway.)
Marge: Homer?
Homer: Not now Marge!"
(Another brief shot of Bart's boxer pummelling Homer's boxer from side to side with more blood. Cut to Marge again.)


Archived cut: BBC no longer airs the show

A few minutes later

(Bart's character sends Homer's character reeling with a left hook, dances around and then lands an uppercut that takes Homer's characters head right off, with a trail of blood. The bloody head and severed spine land on the other side of the ring and the referee counts and awards Bart's character the knockout.)


Archived cut: BBC no longer airs the show

The second Super Slugfest game

(Bart's boxer gets Homer's with an uppercut and then a right hook. Blood comes out of Homer's boxers mouth. Shot of Bart pressing his fire button over and over again. Shot of another uppercut and another right hook, with the blood spurting again. Shot of Bart yawning and pressing his fire button. Shot of Homer's character standing in a pool of blood. Bart's boxer punches him up into the air and as the beaten fighter lands on the canvas it becomes grass and a coffin appears around him. It sinks into the grass and turns into a grave. Bart's boxer performs a victory dance on the grave. End of the game.)


Archived cut: BBC no longer airs the show

Homer is finally beating Bart at Super Slugfest

(Homer's boxer punches Bart's boxer all around the ring and then does it again, causing Bart's boxer to bleed profusely. Shot of the Simpsons' front room.)
Marge: I'd like your attention, please.
Homer: Quiet, Marge. This is my big moment. Bart 'the bloody pulp' Simpson is on the ropes!
(Shot of Homer's boxer punching Bart's fighter repeatedly. Blood everywhere.)
Homer: He's hoping I'll put him out of his misery.
(Homer's boxer gets ready to finish Bart's boxer off.)


Archived cut: BBC no longer airs the show