RSS Feed What do we need a psychiatrist for? We know our kid is nuts.Homer

UK censorship guide: Season 13

Treehouse of Horror XII (CABF19)

Channel 4

Lenny & Carl are crushed by a helicopter

Cut in pre-watershed airings.

Lenny: Carl, let me die first. I couldn't bear to watch you die.
Carl: Well okay, but hurry up.
(Lenny struggles then dies. Carl does the same.)
Homer: Oh Moe, they're dead! And it's all my fault!

Sky One

Marge calls the police

UltraHouse: This is constable Wiggums. We'll be right there. Remove your knickers and wait in the bath.

Channel 4

Bart defeats the evil Lord Montymort (Mr. Burns)

Cut in pre-watershed airings.

Slithers: Oh sir! In death, we shall be together always.
(Slithers sobs and wraps his mouth around Lord Montymort's feet. In a few gulps, swallows him whole.)
Bart & Lisa: Ew!


Homer the Moe (CABF20)

Channel 4

The guys take over Moe's

Cut in pre-watershed airings.

(Homer tries fixing the jukebox, and smashes it with his fist. Blood appears and starts spraying profusely from Homer's wound. Homer screams in agony.)
Lenny: Homer, are you OK?
Homer: (still bleeding, thumbs up, fainting) Heyyyy!

Channel 4

Homer is sad that he is no longer in charge at Moe's

Cut in pre-watershed airings.

Homer: It's not fair, just when I was getting to be the world's greatest bartender, it's all snatched away. (Offers a bottle to Bart.) Freshen your drink, pal?
Bart: Just leave the bottle.
(Homer gives Lisa a cigarette and lights it.)
Homer: There you go, doll.
(Lisa coughs and puts it out.
Homer gestures to a dozing Maggie.)
Homer: Look buddy, I don't care where you go but you can't sleep here.

Channel 4

At "m", the newly-restyles Moe's

Cut in pre-watershed airings.

(Homer, Barney and Carl are at the oxygen bar; Lenny is in a giant hamster wheel.)
Lenny: I'm trapped! This is creative design run amok!
Homer: That's it! I'm gonna tell Moe exactly what I think of his...
(He rushes back to get more oxygen)

Channel 4

Moe is talking with the models at the revamped "m"

Cut in pre-watershed airings.

Model: After Chernobyl, my penis, is falling off.
Moe: And "penis" is Russian for...?

Homer: Moe, we want our bar back!

Channel 4

Homer is hunting

Cut in pre-watershed airings.

Lisa: Dad, you shot Moe!
Homer: Oh no! This time I really am gonna faint! (he does so, and his head gets caught in a bear trap)
Homer: Owww! Son of a...



Treehouse of Horror XII (CABF19)

Channel 4

Burns & Smithers enter a lap-dancing club

Cut in pre-watershed airings.

Burns: Great heavens! It's one of those nude female firestations! Oh, I'd always be second place to some kitten stuck in a tree. Let's go Smithers. Smithers?
(Smithers is cowering from two dancers in the corner.) Smithers: Aah! Aah! Aah!

Channel 4

Homer takes Burns' leftover aphrodesiac

Cut in pre-watershed airings.

(Homer carries Marge upstairs, tongue gagging. Cut to Homer & Marge in bed, afterward; they both groan.)
Marge: Oh Homie, that was amazing! (gasps) I hope the kids didn't hear us!
(Cut to shot of Bart with a shocked look on his face. Ditto Lisa. Ditto Flanders.)
Flanders: Wow!



I Am Furious Yellow (DABF13)

Sky One

Willy and Seamus fight

Willy: Ach, ya speak like a poet, betcha punch like one too!
(Willy and Seamus start to fight.)
Seamus: Oh, ow, ya bastard!
Willy: Gah!
(Willy punches Seamus away.)


The Sweetest Apu (DABF14)

Sky One

During the Civil War re-enactment

Mayor Quimby: And now... let the battle be joined.
(Pan upwards as an Abraham Lincoln look-a-like shoots himself in the head. The battle commences.)
Lenny: Bang Bang!
Carl: Pow Pow!
Moe: Hit with stick!
(Moe hits a solider with a stick)
Moe: Die, ya bastard.

Sky One

Apu is about to hang himself

Apu: (tying noose) Over, under, round and round, so your feet won't touch the ground.
(Apu swings the noose over a pipe, ready to hang himself.)

Apu: Now, let's see what a waits me in the next life. First I was a tiger, than a snake, then a goat, then me, next... oh a tapeworm... then, assistant to Lorne Michaels. Oh, it's going to be a rough couple of life times.
(Apu puts his head in the noose, as
Manjula, Marge and Homer walk in.)


The Frying Game (DABF16)

Sky One

In the court room

Judge Snyder: Homer Simpson, for attempted insecticide and aggravated buggery, I sentence you to 200 hours of community service.

Sky One

Homer is about to be executed

(Homer is being strapped in to the electric chair. One guy pulls a sponge out of a bucket of water, he clenches it as water escapes. He then places it on Homer's head. Wiggum sheds a tear.)

Sky One

After a call from the Governor

Yes Guy: The governor says he hopes you're a twitcher. Oh Yes!
Homer: Oh.
Wiggum: Chin up, Homer. 'Cause we gotta put an electrode there to ground the Brain Stem.
(Homer raises his head as Wiggum does what he just said.)
Wiggum: Thank you.

(Wiggum turns and puts his thumb up to the Officer at the lever.)

Sky One

A few seconds later...

Marge: I'll always love you.
(The Officer pulls the lever, as Homer lets loose a loud scream.)
Officer: You're on frame-up!