ACT 1 Cut in pre-watershed airings.
Lenny: Carl, let me die first. I couldn't bear to watch you die. |
ACT 2 UltraHouse: This is constable Wiggums. We'll be right there. Remove your knickers and wait in the bath. |
ACT 3 Cut in pre-watershed airings.
Slithers: Oh sir! In death, we shall be together always. |
ACT 1 Cut in pre-watershed airings. (Homer tries fixing the jukebox, and smashes it
with his fist. Blood appears and starts
spraying profusely from Homer's wound. Homer screams in agony.) |
ACT 2 Cut in pre-watershed airings. Homer: It's not fair, just when I was
getting to be the world's greatest bartender, it's all snatched
away. (Offers a bottle to Bart.) Freshen your drink, pal? |
ACT 3 Cut in pre-watershed airings. (Homer, Barney and Carl are at
the oxygen bar; Lenny is in a giant hamster wheel.) |
ACT 3 Cut in pre-watershed airings. Model: After Chernobyl, my
penis, is falling off. |
ACT 3 Cut in pre-watershed airings.
Lisa: Dad, you shot Moe! |
ACT 1 Cut in pre-watershed airings.
Burns: Great heavens! It's one of those nude female firestations! Oh, I'd always be second place to some kitten stuck in a tree. Let's go Smithers. Smithers? |
ACT 2 Cut in pre-watershed airings.
(Homer carries Marge upstairs, tongue gagging. Cut to Homer & Marge in bed, afterward; they both groan.) |
ACT 1 Willy: Ach, ya speak like a poet, betcha
punch like one too! |
ACT 1 Mayor Quimby: And now... let the battle be
joined. |
ACT 3 Apu: (tying noose)
Over, under, round and round, so your feet won't touch the
ground. |
ACT 1 Judge Snyder: Homer Simpson, for attempted insecticide and aggravated buggery, I sentence you to 200 hours of community service. |
ACT 3 (Homer is being strapped in to the electric chair. One guy pulls a sponge out of a bucket of water, he clenches it as water escapes. He then places it on Homer's head. Wiggum sheds a tear.) |
ACT 3 Yes Guy: The governor says he hopes you're a
twitcher. Oh Yes! |
ACT 3 Marge: I'll always love you. |