RSS Feed Maybe I shouldn’t have eaten that packet of powdered gravy I found in the parking lot.Homer

UK censorship guide: Season 16

Treehouse of Horror XV (FABF23)

At the Gilded Truffle

(The family are having dinner.)
Lisa: Dad, would you like some of my or Bart's cheesecake?
Mr. Burns: No, I feel full enough as it is.
Homer's Head: I'll tell you when we're full. You don't want to piss off a man who can kick you in the crotch from the inside.

(Homer's head begins eating it.)

Sky One


All's Fair in Oven War (FABF20)

Marge finds Homer's Playdude magazines

Homer: Why would I dream about other naked women? I couldn't even know how they would try and improve me.
(Cut to Bedroom. Marge is cutting naked women out of the Playdudes. She is currently cutting around a woman)
Marge: (pretending to be woman in the magazine) I don't have any clothes so I'll just splay myself out on a pool table.

Sky One

Bart & Milhouse read the Playdude magazines

Bart: I could make my treehouse look like this. Then we could have orgies, whatever they are.

Sky One

James Caan meets his demise

Caan: Oh, a toll-booth. I hate these things.
(Caan hands a ticket to the man behind the toll-booth, the man drops to the floor as Hicks jump out from behind the toll-booth. Brandine leaps out the truck. The hicks begin to fire at Caan. Caan tries to make his way out of his car, taking several bullets to his body on the way out, when he gets out the door of his car, he is confronted with a hick standing in front of him. The hick blasts him in the chest as blood marks appear on his chest. Caan becomes weak and falls to the ground. One hick continues shooting Caan, as more blood marks appear in his body. The hick then kicks Caan in the face. The hicks then leave.)
Caan: That's it, next time, I fly.
(Cut to credits.)

Sky One

James Caan meets his demise

(Caan hands a ticket to the man behind the toll-booth, the man drops to the floor as Hicks jump out from behind the toll-booth. Brandine leaps out the truck. The hicks begin to fire at Caan. Caan tries to make his way out of his car, taking several bullets to his body on the way out, when he gets out the door of his car, he is confronted with a hick standing in front of him. The hick blasts him in the chest as blood marks appear on his chest. Caan becomes weak and falls to the ground. One hick continues shooting Caan, as more blood marks appear in his body. The hick then kicks Caan in the face. The hicks then leave.)
Caan: That's it, next time, I fly.

(Cut to credits.)
Channel 4


Sleeping With the Enemy (FABF19)

Nelson's mom pays a visit to the Simpson home

An odd cut. C4 dubbed the (calm) vocal from the first part on the animation for the second part. Marge looks really angry while talking calmly then slamming the door.

Marge: Go home to your son, Mrs Muntz. And try not to have intercourse on the way! (she slams the door)

Channel 4


Midnight Rx (FABF16)

Kent Brockman interviews Chief Wiggum

Wiggum: I've got to medicate Ralphie with stuff from the Evidence Locker.
(Wiggum gives Ralph a pill. Ralph's pupils dilate.)
Ralph: I'm cuckoo for contraband!

Sky One


She Used To Be My Girl (FABF22)

In the Springfield Press Club

Lisa: (gasp) There's Dan Rather and Tom Brokaw hanging out with Kent Brockman.
Rather: You want your mike back, local Anchor?
Kent: This just in: I'm pissed off!
Chloe: Hi, fellas.
Rather: Chloe, wanna feel my muscle? Heh heh.

(Cut to Homer and Marge's bedroom.)

Sky One


The Heartbroke Kid (GABF11)

Willy falls down the stairs

Willy: What are ya staring at, ya bastards?

Sky One


Krusty: I'm telling you Bart, one vice leads to another. Then you end up like me, so jaded the only thing that gets you off is freebasing ground up moon rocks. (He lights up a bong-like object and takes a drag.) All this does is get me to normal. (He groans.)
Bart: Thank you Krusty, once again you've delivered and important message wrapped in entertainment.

We're not currently certain which parts of this scene are cut. If you know, please email me. Thanks.

Sky One


Home Away From Homer (GABF15)

Bart & Milhouse use Bart's computer

(Bart and Milhouse are watching "Sexy Slumber Party" on their computer. Katya, the brunette, is on Vicky's, the blonde, lap, as Vicky spanks Katya with a framed photo of Todd.)
Katya: Spank me again with little boy's picture.

(Bart and Milhouse laugh, as Homer walks in.)
Homer: What are you two laughing at?

Sky One


The Father, The Son and the Holy Guest Star (GABF09)

During Father Sean's story

Saint Peter: Shawn, you wanker, repent of your wicked ways or sod off.

Sky One

Channel 4

Homer's confessional

Homer: Okay, let's make some magic here... I rubbed a booger on your shirt, I made a dog and a cat kiss, I swiped a portable TV from a Holiday Inn...
(time lapse)
Homer: I coveted the wife in Jaws 2, I lied to a waiter, I masturbated 8 billion times and I have no plans to stop masturbating in the future.

Sky One

Channel 4