RSS Feed I beat the smart kids! I beat the smart ki-- (falls over) I bent my wookie.Ralph


This list shows all the times Homer has been tempted by something (mostly food, of course).

Season 1

There's No Disgrace Like Home
Mmm... marshmallows.
Bart The General
Mmm... cupcakes.
Krusty Gets Busted
Mmm... chocolate.
Mmm... double chocolate. (gasp) New flavor, triple chocolate!

Season 2

Bart Gets An F
Mmm... beer.
Bart's Dog Gets An F
Mmm... maca-ma-damia nuts.
War Of The Simpsons
Mmm... horse-doovers (hors d'oeuvers)

Season 3

Stark Raving Dad
Mmm... pancakes.
Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington
Mmm... money.
When Flanders Failed
Mmm... barbecue.
Homer Defined
Mmm... purple.
Treehouse of Horror II
Mmm... sprinkles.
Mmm... spaghetti.
Lisa's Pony
Mmm... beer.
Mmm... salty.
Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk
Mmm... the Land of Chocolate.
Radio Bart
Mmm... chocolate.
Lisa The Greek
Mmm... crumbled-up cookie things.
Homer Alone
Mmm... strained peas.
Homer at the Bat
Mmm... donuts.
Mmm... potato chips.
Dog of Death
Mmm... snouts.
Mmm... fattening.

Season 4

Itchy And Scratchy: The Movie
Mmm... burger.
Mmm... Soylent Green.
New Kid on the Block
Mmm... shrimp.
Lisa's First Word
Mmm... hog fat.
Homer's Triple Bypass
Mmm... ham.
Marge Vs. The Monorail
Mmm... chicken
Brother From The Same Planet
Mmm... grapefruit.
Mmm... Gummi Beers
Last Exit To Springfield
Mmm... organised crime.
So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show
Mmm... beer.
Mmm... chocolate.
Mmm... nuts.
Whacking Day
Mmm... beer.
Marge In Chains
Mmm... pi.
Krusty Gets Kancelled
Mmm... delicious.

Season 5

Mmm... 64 slices of American cheese
Treehouse Of Horror IV
Mmm... forbidden donut.
Marge On The Lam
Mmm... invisible cola.
Mmm... candy.
Boy Scoutz N The Hood
Mmm... free goo.
Mmm... apple.
Mmm... hamburger.
The Last Temptation Of Homer
Mmm... Marge.
Mmm... foot long chili dog. (Homer & Mindy)
Deep Space Homer
Mmm... mediciney.
Homer Loves Flanders
Mmm... sacrilicious.
Bart Gets An Elephant
Mmm... elephant fresh.
Mmm... caramel.

Season 6

Another Simpsons Clip Show
Mmm... chocolate.
Mmm... invisible cola.
Mmm... forbidden donut.
Mmm... sacrilicious.
Mmm... snouts.
Mmm... free goo.
Mmm... something.
These appeared in succession as clips - though the final 'Mmm...' is not actually a clip but one added for this episode.
And Maggie Makes Three
Mmm... bowling fresh.
Mmm... urinal fresh.
Homer Vs. Patty and Selma
Mmm... slanty.
A Star Is Burns
Mmm... beer nuts.
The Springfield Connection
Mmm... incapacitating.

Season 7

Treehouse of Horror VI
Mmm... unprocessed fishsticks.
Mmm... sprinkles.
Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield
Mmm... open-faced club sandwich.
A Fish Called Selma
Mmm... pointy.

Season 8


Season 9

Lisa's Sax
Mmm... re-circulated air.
Simpson Tide
Mmm... donuts.
Das Bus
Mmm... memo.
Dumbbell Indemnity
Mmm... me.

Season 10

Bart, The Mother
Mmm... loganberry.
Mom and Pop Art
Mmm... hippo.
Mmm... split peas with ham.
Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo
Mmm... fifty-dollar pretzel.

Season 11

Eight Misbehavin'
Mmm... ovulicious.
The Mansion Family
Mmm... Danish.

Season 12

Treehouse of Horror XI
Mmm... sugar walls.
Mmm... fish.
Lisa The Treehugger
Mmm... donuts.
Mmm... hug.
Simpson Safari
Mmm... turbulent.

Season 13

Treehouse of Horror XII
Mmm... various eggs.
Mmm... unexplained bacon.
Hunka Hunka Burns In Love
Mmm... pistol whip.
Homer The Moe
Mmm... curds. (Michael from REM)
She of Little Faith
Mmm... pie pants.

Season 14

Treehouse of Horror XIII
Mmm... donuts. (Homer clones simultaneously)
Bart Vs. Lisa Vs. The Third Grade
Mmm... feed.
The Great Louse Detective
Mmm... steamed gentile.
Special Edna
Mmm... trophy.
The Dad Who Knew Too Little
Mmm... McNuggets.
Pray Anything
Mmm... farfetched.
'Scuse Me While I Miss the Sky
Mmm... promo.
Mmm... bad eggs.

Season 15+

As far as we are aware, there haven't been any Mmm's for ages. If you have spotted one in Seasons 15 onward, please send us an email.

Season 19

Treehouse of Horror XVIII
Mmm... developed by.