RSS Feed Look at them! They’ve jumped on te one franchise I might possibly have considered thinking about becoming interested in.Marge



Rating: 3.9 (159 votes)


Mr. Burns dreams about his childhood. He used to own a bear called Bobo, but gave it up for a lifetime of riches. His birthday is also coming up, but all Burns really wants is his teddy bear. His party is ruined by Homer's awful comedy roast and Homer is beaten up. When Bart goes to the Kwik-E-Mart to get a bag of ice for Homer's injuries, Bart finds the bear inside and gives it to Maggie. Homer realizes that Maggie's bear is Bobo, and negotiates a reward with Burns. However, Homer gives the bear back to Maggie because she is attached to it. Burns tries several methods to get his bear back, but fails. He eventually gives up, and tells Maggie to take care of Bobo for him. As he walks away, Maggie gives Burns the bear back, and he is happy.

Memorable quotes

Smithers: On another topic, the preparations for your birthday have begun.
Mr. Burns: I won't get what I really want.
Smithers: No one does. (He imagines Burns appearing half-naked out of a cake and singing happy birthday to him.)

Marge: What are you doing?
Homer: I'm writing a delicious send-up of Mr. Burns for his birthday party. Is poo-poo one word or two?

Homer: Now, I'm not saying Mr. Burns is incontinent...
Bart: Incontinent! (laughs) Too rich!
Lisa: Does either of you know what incontinent means?
Homer: Lisa, don't spoil our fun.

Man: You've gotta start selling this for more than a dollar a bag. We lost four more men on this expedition.
Apu: If you can think of a better way to get ice, I'd like to hear it.

Bart: Hey Apu, this bag of ice has a head in it.
Apu: Ooh, a head bag! Those are choc-full of... heady goodness!

Bart: (pulls Bobo out of the bag of ice) Hey, it's a teddy bear. Gross, it's probably diseased or something. Here Maggie.

Homer: Maggie, I'm trying to watch TV. Put that moldy old bear down. (he gasps) Moldy? Old? I'm gonna get something to eat!

Homer: Who needs his money? We're getting by okay. (Grampa crashes a Ute through the Simpsons' wall.)
Grampa: Son, you gotta help me! I hit three people on the way over here, and I don't have any insurance! (pause) So, how's my Ute?

Homer: Mmm... sixty four slices of American cheese...

Homer: My life can't get any worse.
Smithers: Homer Simpson, report for "much worse" duties.

Barney the Dinosaur: Two plus two is four, two plus two is four, two plus two is four, two plus two is four...
Homer: (chuckling) I can see why this is so popular.

Nelson: My old man can't get a beer because his old man won't give a bear to another old man. Let's get him!
Jimbo: Wait! Why are we gettin' him?
Martin: Look, gentlemen. The first snapdragon of the season!
Nelson: Never mind. Let's just get him!

Mr. Burns: (on TV) Smithers, I'm home! (canned laughter)
Smithers: What, already? (more canned laughter)
Mr. Burns: Yes. (more canned laughter)
Lisa: Is it just me, or is TV getting worse?
Homer: Eh, it's about the same.

Mr. Burns: Smithers, I'm so happy. Something amazing has happened, I'm actually happy. Take a note! From now on, I'm only going to be good and kind to everyone.
Smithers: I'm sorry sir, I don't have a pencil.
Mr. Burns: Oh, don't worry, I'm sure I'll remember it.

Homer: Well, we didn't get any money, but Mr. Burns got what he wanted. Marge, I'm confused. Is this a happy ending or a sad ending?
Marge: It's an ending, that's enough.

Homer: Maggie, I'm trying to watch TV. Put that moldy old bear down! (realizing) Moldy? Old? I'm gonna get something to eat!


  • Signs outside Burns' Manor: "Keep Out," "Danger Electrified Fence," "Trespassers Will Be Shot" and "Free Kittens Inquire Within."
  • One of Burns' presents is a unicorn.
  • At the party, there are vases shaped like the power plant cooling towers on the tables.
  • The Simpsons theme music plays when Homer comes on stage.
  • Smithers wears his ID badge everywhere.
  • Charles Lindberg actually landed in Paris at night, not in the daytime as shown in this episode. Also it is unlikely that Hitler would have been there.
  • Milhouse's picture is on the milk cartons before it is replaced with Bobo.
  • Even the pets help to restrain Homer from dialling the phone.
  • Otto watches TV while driving the bus - and he's in a cemetary.
  • Although Grampa crashes through the front wall of the Simpsons' house, it is repaired in the next scene.
  • If Mr. Burns and Smithers could get on the Flanders' roof, why couldn't they just go on the Simpson's roof?


  • The opening music and the scene where Burns breaks the snow globe parodies Citizen Kane.
  • The guards outside Burns Manor march and chant like the guards in The Wizard Of Oz.
  • "Do You Know Where You're Going To" plays during the slide show.
  • The scene with the aquarium is a reference to The Mind's Eye.
  • The scene in 1,000,000 A.D. parodies Planet Of The Apes.
