RSS Feed Dear God, we paid for all this stuff ourselves, so thanks for nothing.Bart

Simpsons Discography

The Simpsons and their neighbours have always had a passion for singing - rarely a day goes by without someone in Springfield breaking out into a musical number. Not one to miss out on a merchandising opportunity, Fox has released numerous CDs with Simpsons songs. Some feature music from the show, while others contain original songs.

The Simpsons Sing the Blues

The Simpsons Sing the Blues

Released in 1990, early in the show's run, The Simpsons Sing the Blues is an album of original songs sung by The Simpsons. It also spawned two hit singles, Do the Bartman and Deep, Deep Trouble, the former reaching number one in the UK Singles Chart.

  1. Do the Bartman
    (Bart Simpson)
  2. School Day
    (Bart Simpson featuring Buster Poindexter and Joe Walsh)
  3. Born Under a Bad Sign
    (Homer Simpson featuring B.B. King and Tower of Power)
  4. Moanin' Lisa Blues
    (Lisa Simpson featuring Joe Walsh, John Sebastian and Tower of Power)
  5. Deep, Deep Trouble
    (Bart Simpson featuring DJ Jazzy Jeff)
  6. God Bless the Child
    (Lisa Simpson and Bleeding Gums Murphy)
  7. I Love to See You Smile
    (Homer and Marge Simpson featuring Dr. John)
  8. Springfield Soul Stew
    (Marge Simpson)
  9. Look at All Those Idiots
    (Mr. Burns and Smithers)
  10. Sibling Rivalry
    (Bart and Lisa Simpson)

Songs in the Key of Springfield

Songs in the Key of Springfield

Songs in the Key of Springfield was released in March 1997 and features a huge array of musical numbers from The Simpsons' first seven Seasons. Many of the tracks include short dialogue from the episodes; in addition, a couple of the tracks are solely "spoken word". Several alternate versions of end credits are also present.

  1. The Simpsons Main Title Theme (Extended Version)
    (Cape Feare)
  2. We Do (The Stonecutters' Song)
    (Homer the Great)
  3. Capitol City
    (Dancin' Homer)
  4. Who Needs the Kwik-E-Mart?
    (Homer and Apu)
  5. Jazz Man
    ('Round Springfield)
  6. Oh, Streetcar!
    (A Streetcar Named Marge)
  7. Jingle Bells
    ($pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling))
  8. End Credits Theme (Big Band Vagas Version)
    ($pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling))
  9. Itchy and Scratchy Main Title Theme
    (Itchy & Scratchy & Marge)
  10. Itchy and Scratchy End Credits Theme
    (The Front)
  11. The Amendment Song
    (The Day the Violence Died)
  12. Señor Burns
    (Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part Two))
  13. End Credits Theme (Afro-Cuban Version)
    (Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part Two))
  14. Your Wife Don't Understand You
    (Colonel Homer)
  15. South of the Border
    (Kamp Krusty)
  16. End Credits Theme (Australian Version)
    (Bart. vs. Australia)
  17. End Credits Theme (Hill Street Blues Homage)
    (The Springfield Connection)
  18. End Credits Theme (It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World Homage)
    (Homer the Vigilante)
  19. Treehouse of Horror V Main Title Theme
    (Treehouse of Horror V)
  20. Honey Roasted Peanuts
    (Boy-Scoutz N the Hood)
  21. Springfield, Springfield!
    (Boy-Scoutz N the Hood)
  22. See My Vest
    (Two Dozen and One Greyhounds)
  23. Eye on Springfield Theme
    (Flaming Moe's)
  24. Flaming Moe's
    (Flaming Moe's)
  25. Baby on Board
    (Homer's Barbershop Quartet)
  26. TV Sucks!
    (Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie)
  27. Stop the Planet of the Apes
    (A Fish Called Selma)
  28. Send in the Clowns
    (Krusty Gets Kancelled)
  29. Monorail
    (Marge vs. the Monorail)
  30. In Search of an Out of Body Vibe
    (Lady Bouvier's Lover)
  31. Cool
    (Lady Bouvier's Lover)
  32. Bagged Me a Homer
    (Colonel Homer)
  33. It Was a Very Good Beer
  34. In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida
    (Bart Sells His Soul)
  35. Happy Birthday, Lisa
    (Stark Raving Dad)
  36. End Credits Theme (Adams Family Homage)
    (Treehouse of Horror IV)
  37. End Credits Theme (JFK Version)
    (Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part One))
  38. End Credits Theme (Renaissance Version)
    (Lisa's Wedding)
  39. End Credits Theme (Dragnet Version)
    (Marge on the Lam)

The Yellow Album

The Yellow Album

The Yellow Album is the second Simpsons album of original songs. It was released in November 1998 but had been postponed from 1993. The album was due to include a song written by Prince, My Name is Bart, but in the end he didn't want it on the album.

  1. Love?
    (Bart Simpson)
  2. Sisters Are Doin' It for Themselves
    (Lisa Simpson featuring Ann and Nancy Wilson)
  3. Funny How Time Slips Away
    (Homer Simpson featuring Linda Ronstadt)
  4. Twenty-Four Hours a Day
    (Apu Nahasapeemapetilon)
  5. Ten Commandments of Bart
    (Bart Simpson)
  6. I Just Can't Help Myself
    (Bart, Lisa and Homer Simpson)
  7. She's Comin' Out Swingin'
    (Lisa Simpson featuring P-Funk All-Stars)
  8. Anyone Else
    (Bart and Lisa Simpson)
  9. Every Summer With You
    (Homer and Marge Simpson)
  10. Hail to Thee, Kamp Krusty
    (Children's Choir, Bart and Lisa Simpson, Otto Mann, Martin Prince)

Go Simpsonic With The Simpsons

Go Simpsonic With The Simpsons

Released in October 1999, this follow-up to Songs in the Key of Springfield contains yet more music from the show. Included are new songs from Seasons eight and nine, as well as some classics that were omitted from SITKOS. There are also three bonus tracks (50-52) which were shortened or cut from the show.

  1. The Simpsons Main Title Theme (shorter version with Lisa blues solo)
    (debuted in Bart the Murderer)
  2. Those Were The Days
    (Lisa's Sax)
  3. All Singing, All Dancing Medley
    (All Singing, All Dancing)
  4. We Put the Spring in Springfield
    (Bart After Dark)
  5. Minimum Wage Nanny
    (Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious)
  6. Cut Every Corner
    (Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious)
  7. Boozehound Name Barney
    (Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious)
  8. Happy Just the Way We Are
    (Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious)
  9. End Credits Theme (Mary Poppins Homage)
    (Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious)
  10. Cash and Cary
    (The Brother from Another Series)
  11. Meet The Flinstones
    (Marge vs. the Monorail)
  12. Underwater Wonderland
    (Homer: Bad Man)
  13. Happy Birthday, Mr. Burns
  14. The Field of Excellence
    (Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?)
  15. The Itchy and Scratchy and Poochie Show Theme
    (The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show)
  16. Poochie Rap Song
    (The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show)
  17. You're Checkin' In
    (The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson)
  18. Quimby Campaign Commercial
    (Sideshow Bob Roberts)
  19. End Credits Theme (Grunge Version by Sonic Youth)
  20. The Garbageman Can
    (Trash of the Titans)
  21. Canyonero
    (The Last Temptation of Krust)
  22. Everyone Loves Ned Flanders
    (The Front)
  23. Scorpio
    (You Only Move Twice)
  24. Chief Wiggum, P.I. Main Title Theme
    (The Simpsons Spin-off Showcase)
  25. The Love-Matic Grampa Main Title Theme
    (The Simpsons Spin-off Showcase)
  26. The Simpson Family Smile-Time Variety Hour; I Want Candy
    (The Simpsons Spin-off Showcase)
  27. The Ballad of Jebediah Springfield
    (Lisa the Iconoclast)
  28. Mr. Sparkle Theme
    (Bart Gets Famous)
  29. Krusty the Clown Main Title Theme
    (Bart Gets Famous)
  30. H.M.S. Pinafore
    (Cape Feare)
  31. Mr. Plow
    (Mr. Plow)
  32. Plow King
    (Mr. Plow)
  33. Kamp Krusty Theme Song
    (Kamp Krusty)
  34. End Credits Theme (Jazz Quartet Version)
    (Lisa's Sax)
  35. Union Strike Folk Song
    (Last Exit to Springfield)
  36. Rappin' Ronnie Reagan
    (Homer Loves Flanders)
  37. Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel!
    (22 Short Films About Springfield)
  38. Ya-Hoo Main Title Theme
    (Colonel Homer)
  39. Land of Chocolate
    (Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk)
  40. Skinner and the Superintendent Theme
    (22 Short Films About Springfield)
  41. Presidents' Song
    (I Love Lisa)
  42. The Star Spangled Banner (Bleeding Gums Murphy)
    (Dancin' Homer)
  43. Talkin' Softball
    (Homer at the Bat)
  44. Oh, My Papa
    (Like Father, Like Clown)
  45. Blessed Be the Guy That Bonds (McBain End Credits)
    (Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?)
  46. You're Gonna Like Me (The Gabbo Song)
    (Krusty Gets Kancelled)
  47. Can I Borrow a Feeling?
    (A Milhouse Divided)
  48. End Credits Theme (Philip Glass Homage)
    (Treehouse of Horror VI)
  49. We Love to Smoke
    (cut from Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious)
  50. The Jolly Bengali Theme
    (cut from 22 Short Films About Springfield)
  51. Garbageman
    (extended demo version for Trash of the Titans)
  52. Señor Burns
    (extended version for Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part Two))
  53. Happy Birthday, Mr. Smithers

The Simpsons Movie soundtrack

The Simpsons Movie soundtrack

As with most films, an official soundtrack was released alongside The Simpsons Movie in July 2007. Unfortunately, the film itself had no musical numbers, so most of this album is instrumental. Apart from the choral "The Simpsons" in the opening theme, Spider Pig is the only song with words. This track was released as a single and peaked at #24 in the UK Singles Chart. Green Day's version of The Simpsons Theme, not present on this album, was also released as a single and reached #19.

  1. Simpsons Theme (Orchestral Version)
  2. Trapped Like Carrots
  3. Doomsday Is Family Time
  4. Release The Hounds
  5. Clap For Alaska
  6. What's An Epiphany?
  7. Thank You Boob Lady
  8. You Doomed Us All...Again
  9. ...Lead, Not To Read
  10. Why Does Everything I Whip Leave Me
  11. Bart's Doodle
  12. World's Fattest Fertilizer Salesman
  13. His Big Fat Butt Could Shield Us All
  14. Spider Pig
  15. Recklessly Impulsive

The Simpsons: Testify

The Simpsons: Testify

September 2007 saw the release of the third album to feature songs from the show. Testify - or to give it it's full title, The Simpsons: Testify: A Whole Lot More Original Music From The Television Series - also features four unaired tracks (38-41).

  1. The Simpsons Main Title Theme
    (standard version, from Season 2 onwards)
  2. Testify
    (Faith Off)
  3. The Very Reason That I Live
    (The Great Louse Detective)
  4. He's the Man
    (Alone Again, Natura-Diddly)
  5. Stretch Dude and Clobber Girl
    (Treehouse of Horror X)
  6. End Credits Theme (Los Lobos Version)
    (Thank God It's Doomsday)
  7. Ode to Branson
    (The Old Man and the Key)
  8. Sold Separately
    (Homer vs. Dignity)
  9. Island of Sirens
    (Tales from the Public Domain)
  10. They'll Never Stop the Simpsons
    (Gump Roast)
  11. You're a Bunch of Stuff
    (Large Marge)
  12. What Do I Think of the Pie?
    (Special Edna)
  13. Baby Stink Breath
    (Barting Over)
  14. Tastes Like Liberty
    (I'm Spelling As Fast As I Can)
  15. Jellyfish
    (A Star Is Born Again)
  16. Homer & Marge (Love Goes On)
    (Three Gays of the Condo)
  17. Everybody Hates Ned Flanders
    (Dude, Where's My Ranch?)
  18. I Love To Walk
    (Brake My Wife, Please)
  19. Marjorie
    (Brake My Wife, Please)
  20. The President Wore Pearls medley
    Vote For a Winner; I Am Their Queen; Skinner's Evil Plan; A Tango Takes Two; Smart Girl Six Three; End Credits
    (The President Wore Pearls)
  21. Glove Slap
    (E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt))
  22. O Pruny Night
    ('Tis the Fifteenth Season)
  23. America (I Love This Country)
    (Simple Simpson)
  24. America Rules
    (Bart-Mangled Banner)
  25. Welcome to Moe's
    (Mommie Beerest)
  26. We Are the Jockeys
    (Saddlesore Galactica)
  27. Song of Shelbyville
    (The Seven-Beer Snitch)
  28. A Star Is Torn medley
    I'm Talkin' Springfield; My Kitty Died; Always My Dad; A Privileged Boy
    (A Star Is Torn)
  29. Who Wants A Haircut?
    (Thank God It's Doomsday)
  30. My Fair Laddy medley
    Adequate; Not On My Clothes; Indoors All Night; Longing For the Shack; End Credits
    (My Fair Laddy)
  31. Springfield Blows
    (Million Dollar Abie)
  32. King of Cats Itchy & Scratchy medley
    (Girls Just Want to Have Sums)
  33. Lady
    (Homer Simpson, This Is Your Wife)
  34. You Make Me Laugh
    (Homer Simpson, This Is Your Wife)
  35. Lady Riff
    (Homer Simpson, This Is Your Wife)
  36. Poppa, Can You Hear Me?
    (Sleeping With the Enemy)
  37. Yokel Chords medley
    Oh, How Do We?; Motivate Them; Cultural Things Expreience; Moonshine Drinkers
    (Yokel Chords)
  38. Hullaba Lula
    (cut from Simpsons Tall Tales)
  39. Song of the Wild Beasts
    (cut from The Girl Who Slept Too Little)
  40. Dancing Workers' Song
    (cut from Kiss Kiss Bang Bangalore)
  41. Oldies and Nudies
    (cut from Homerpalooza)